13 Jul Bethany Portrait Photographer: high school seniors, families and corporate head shot photographer
I am proud to say that I have filled the portrait needs of 200+ Bethany residents for just under 15 years. The lovely Oakridge Estates neighborhood is full of people who take pride in their community and reap the benefits of all that goes into maintaining a happy and safe environment to live, work and play! Although the gorgeous Oakridge tree no longer stands in the neighborhood park (unfortunately, it had to be removed for safety reasons), many residence gather to enjoy a picnic, play tennis, climb on the play structure etc. If you find that you are in need of an updated head shot, high school senior portrait, milestone year portrait of your child/children or a beautiful new portrait of your ever changing family, please take a look at my portfolio, contact your neighbors for a reference and reach out! Nothing beats the weather in Portland this time of the year!